The lawyer’s remuneration for legal services provided is based on an individual agreement reached between the client and the lawyer. The rate is always set with regard to specific circumstances, the demands of legal representation and the needs and means of the client.

This remuneration may be agreed as:

  • time-based remuneration, according to the actual amount of time the lawyer spends providing a particular legal service. The hourly rate ranges from 1,500 CZK to 2,500 CZK per hour. The maximum rate is charged in particularly demanding or complex cases (due to urgency, excessive complexity, need for a foreign language)
  • in the case of long-term cooperation the agreed flat rate can be applied when legal services are provided in a specific period. Compared to the hourly rate for one-off services, the flat rate is more advantageous to the client
  • fixed remuneration, for the settlement of an entire case, regardless of the time required and the complexity of the legal service provided
  • remuneration for a legal action, according to the number of legal actions taken by the lawyer as itemised based on the Lawyer Tariff

If the remuneration is not agreed between the client and the lawyer, the fee is determined on the basis of Decree of the Ministry of Justice No. 177/1996 Coll. – Lawyer Tariffs.